
We offer our clients all our legal and operational experience in domestic and international franchising, from the point of view of the franchisor or the franchisee. We support them in the implementation and start-up of the respective business, including in the definition of the respective corporate structure and the franchising model to be developed, taking into account the Technical Specification of the Franchise Service Certification, as well as in planning the internationalization of the brand and the most advantageous tax régime for the intended business model.

Our legal services cover the incorporation of companies, the negotiation of domestic and international Franchise and Master Franchise contracts, drafting of standard contracts, including work contracts, tax advice, the negotiation of leases, stores in commercial centres, or other rights agreements for the installation, construction and operation of commercial establishments and other matters related to setting up the business, intellectual and industrial property, litigation and arbitration regarding the execution and breach of the franchise agreement (whether by franchisor or franchisee), as well as debt collection.
Preferred areas of action:
Commercial and Corporate Law
Litigation and Arbitration
Employment and Social Security Law
Criminal Law
Preferred areas of action:
Commercial and Corporate Law
Preferred areas of action:
Commercial and Corporate Law
Public, Administrative and Environmental Law
Litigation and Arbiration
Civil Law
Criminal Law.
Preferred areas of action:
Commercial and Corporate Law
Civil Law
Litigation and Arbitration
Employment and Social Security
Family Law and Inheritance.