Graduate in Law from the Classical University of Lisbon (Universidade Clássica de Lisboa), specializing in economic law (1993);
Enrolled with the Portuguese Bar Association since 1995;
Legal advisor to the APF (Portuguese Franchise Association);
Author and co-author of several works and articles on Franchising, namely, “A Internacionalização das Marcas Portuguesas através do Franchising” (The Internationalization of Portuguese Trademarks through Franchising) (Cadernos do ICEP, 2004); “Franchising – Colectânea de Legislação e Jurisprudência” (Franchising - Collection of Legislation and Jurisprudence) (Áreas Editora, Lisboa, 2004, ISBN 972-8472-66-8); “La Franquicia” (The Franchise) (Aranzadi, Navarra, 2015, ISBN 978-84-9098-743-8);
Regular contributor to the newspaper “Vida Económica” (Economic Life) and the magazine “Negócios e Franchising” (Business and Franchising);
Regular speaker at various seminars and lectures on Franchising;
He studied courses on Theology and Philosophy at the Portuguese Catholic University (Universidade Católica Portuguesa) and Human Resource Management and Work Psychology at ISLA. He has a Master's in Business Management and Marketing through Development Systems;
His professional career as a manager started with advertising and marketing agencies and contract work at outsourcing companies (where in 1989 he pioneered the development of a concept for service provision as an alternative to temporary work). In 1996, he joined McDonald's in Portugal, where he was the director of franchising until 2003. He gained international recognition in 2001 when he won the “Best McDonald's franchising plan” award, given by McDonald's International, from among over 100 competing countries;
He was Vice-President of the Portuguese Franchise Association between 2001 and 2003, during which time, in partnership with EIC, he developed and implemented in Portugal the Franchise System Certification for Franchise Networks.
Since 2003, he has been dedicated exclusively to advocacy, especially in the areas of commercial distribution and franchising contracts, commercial and corporate Law (transformation, spin-off and merger of companies), insolvency and restructuring of companies, debt recovery, competition law, intellectual and industrial property, economic criminal law and misdemeanours (tax, administrative and economic);
He chairs the Board of the Annual General Meetings of several corporations.
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